


Loan Easy Finance Ltd ("Loan Easy”) gives this notice to its customers for the purposes of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the "Ordinance").


  1. When customers opening and/or extend loan accounts, establish and/or extend credit services, and/or provide other financial services, they are required to provide personal information Loan Easy from time to time.



  1. Failure to provide such personal data may result in Loan Easy not being able to open or extend credit accounts or establish or extend credit facilities or provide other financial services to customers.


  1. Loan Easy in the normal course of business operations. For example, when a customer communicates verbally or in writing with Loan Easy, Loan Easy will also collect personal data from the customer and collect it through a paperwork or Loan Easy’s telephone recording system. It depends on what kind of situation.




  1. customers' personal data may be used for the following purposes:
    • (a)Opening of credit accounts, credit services and other financial services to customers' daily operations;
    • (b)Credit checks conducted when applying for credit, and periodic or special reviews from time to time
    • (c) Develop and maintaining a Loan Easy ‘s credit scoring models;
    • (d)assisting other money lenders and/or financial institutions in performing credit checks and recovering debts;
    • (e)ensure customers maintain reliable credit;
    • (f)designed to use financial services or products for customers;
    • (g) defining amounts owed to or by customers;
    • (h)Recovering debts to customers and those who provide mortgages for their responsibilities;
    • (i) Be Loan Easy to make disclosures to comply with any requirements of the laws that are binding on them; or to disclose and implement any guidelines that may be expected by Loan Easy to be complied with or guidelines issued by other bodies;;
    • (j)enabling an actual or proposed assignee of Loan Easy, or participant or sub-participant of Loan Easy 's rights in respect of customers to evaluate the transaction intended to be the subject of the assignment, participation or sub-participation;
    • (k)promote Loan Easy credit services or products; and
    • (l)purposes relating to each of the above.

The purposes listed in paragraphs (a) to (j) (inclusive) and related purposes under paragraph (l) above are "obligatory", meaning that customers must permit Loan Easy to use their personal data for these purposes if they wish to use Loan Easy 's services. The purposes listed in paragraph (k) and related purposes under paragraph (l) above are "voluntary", meaning that customers have a choice whether Loan Easy can use their data for these purposes.



  • (a)為客戶的日常業務開設信貸賬戶,信用服務和其他金融服務;
  • (b) 在申請信貸時進行信貸檢查,並定期或不時進行專項評估;
  • (c)編制及維持樂意的信貸評分模式;
  • (d) 協助其他放債人和/或財務機構進行信用檢查和追討債務;
  • (e) 確保客戶保持可靠的信用;
  • (f)設計為客戶使用的信貸服務或產品;
  • (g)計算樂意與客戶之間的債務;
  • (h)向客戶和為客戶的責任提供抵押的人士追收欠款;
  • (i) 樂意為履行任何對其有約束力的法例的規定而作出披露;或為依循及施行任何預期樂意會遵從的監管或其他機構所發出的指引而作出披露;
  • (j)使樂意的實在或建議承讓人,或樂意對客戶的權利的參與人或附屬參與人評核意圖成為轉讓,參與或附屬參與所涉及的交易;及
  • (k)推廣樂意的信貸服務或產品;及
  • (l) 與上述每一項有關的用途。

在(a)至 (j)(含兩者)段中列出的用途及在上述(l)段項下的相關用途屬「強制性」,意思是如客戶希望使用樂意的服務,客戶必須准許樂意將其個人資料用作此等用途。 在(k)段中列出的用途及在上述(l)段項下的相關目的屬「自願性」,意思是客戶有權選擇樂意是否可將他們的資料用於此等用途。


  1. Personal data held by Loan Easy relating to a customer will be kept confidential but Loan Easy may provide such information to the following parties (whether within or outside Hong Kong) for the purposes set out in paragraph 4:
    • (a)any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment or other services to Loan Easy in connection with the operation of its business;
    • (b)any other person who is Loan Easy to keep confidential, including companies that are Loan Easy to keep the information confidential;
    • (c) any person who has the customer's prescribed consent;
    • (d) TransUnion Limited or other credit information service provider; and when the customer owes it, the information can be provided to the collection company;
    • (e)any person to whom Loan Easy is under an obligation to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on Loan Easy under and for the purposes of any guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities with which Loan Easy is expected to comply; and

(f)any actual or proposed assignee of Loan Easy or participant or sub-participant or transferee of Loan Easy 's rights in respect of the customer.


  • (a)任何代理人、承包人、或向樂意提供行政、電訊、電腦、付款或其他與樂意相關業務運作有關的服務的第三方服務供應者;
  • (b)任何對樂意有保密責任的人,包括樂意內已承諾保持該資料保密的公司;
  • (c) 任何擁有客戶規定同意的人;
  • (d) 環聯資訊有限公司或其他信貸資料服務機構;當客戶欠賬時,則可將該等資料提供給追收公司;
  • (e) 樂意在根據對樂意具法律約束力的規定下或為依循及施行任何預期樂意會遵從的監管或其他機構所發出的指引而有責任對任何人作出披露;及
  • (f) 樂意的任何實在或建議承讓人或就樂意對客戶的權利的參與人或附屬參與人或受讓人。


  1. Loan Easy would like to use personal data of customers for direct marketing purposes. Loan Easy cannot use a customer's personal data for these purposes without first obtaining his or her consent (which can include an indication of no objection). In this connection, please note that:
    • (a)the name, contact details, products and services portfolio information, transaction pattern and behavior, financial background and demographic data of a customer held by Loan Easy from time to time may be used by Loan Easy in direct marketing;
    • (b) Can be used to promote the following categories of services, products and promotional targets:
      • (i)financial related services and products; and
      • (ii)reward, customer loyalty or privileges programmers and related services and products

Customers have the right to choose whether their personal data is for direct marketing purposes. If the customer agrees at any time to his or her personal data for direct marketing but then he/she changes his mind, he or she is entitled to send a letter to the Data Protection Manager at the address or fax number provided in paragraph 10 for free, or Any other way that is Loan Easy to be accepted, the notification is Loan Easy that he/she no longer wishes to use his/her personal data for direct promotion.



  • (a) 樂意有可能把樂意不時持有的客戶姓名、聯絡資料、產品及服務組合資料、交易模式及行為、財務背景及人口統計數據用於直接促銷;
  • (b)可用作促銷下列類別的服務、產品及促銷的﹕
  • (i). 財務相關服務和產品; 及





  1. Under and in accordance with the terms of the Ordinance and the Code of Practice on Consumer Credit Data issued under the Ordinance, every customer has the right:


(a)Check whether Loan Easy holds his personal data about him and have access to such personal data;

(b)Request Loan Easy to correct any inaccurate personal data about him;

(c) Identify Loan Easy’s policies and practices regarding personal data and the types of personal data held by Loan Easy;

(d)Enquiries and answers from Loan Easy, what personal data are routinely disclosed to the relevant credit reference agency or collection company, and further information provided by Loan Easy in order to request the relevant credit reference agency or collection company for review and correction of the data; and

(e)in relation to personal data which have been provided by Loan Easy to a credit reference agency, to instruct Loan Easy upon termination of an account by full payment to make a request to the credit reference agency to delete such personal data from its database, as long as the instruction is given within 5 years of termination and at no time did the account have a default of payment lasting in excess of 60 days within 5 years immediately before account termination. Such account repayment data include amount last due, amount of payment made during the last reporting period (being a period not exceeding 31 days immediately preceding the last contribution of account data by Loan Easy to a credit reference agency), remaining available credit or outstanding balance and default data (being amount past due and number of days past due, date of settlement of amount past due, and date of final settlement of amount in default lasting in excess of 60 days (if any)).


(a) 查核樂意是否持有關於他的個人資料並可以查閱此類個人資料;

(b) 要求樂意糾正關於他的任何不準確的個人資料;




  1. Customers should note that :

(a)in the event of any default in repayment, unless the amount in default is fully repaid or written off (other than due to a bankruptcy order) before the expiry of 60 days from the date such default occurred, the account repayment data may be retained by the credit reference agency until the expiry of 5 years from the date of final settlement of the amount in default; and

(b)if any amount in an account is written-off due to a bankruptcy order being made against a customer, the account repayment data may be retained by the credit reference agency, regardless of whether the account repayment data reveal any default of payment lasting in excess of 60 days, until the expiry of 5 years from the date of final settlement of the amount in default or the expiry of 5 years from the date of discharge from bankruptcy as notified by the customer with evidence to the credit reference agency, whichever is earlier.





  1. In accordance with the terms of the Ordinance, Loan Easy reserves the right to charge a reasonable fee for processing any request for access to personal data



  1. i) Any request for access to or correction of personal data, or request for a personal data collection statement regarding Loan Easy and the type of data held, and (ii) a notice regarding the use of personal data for direct marketing shall be made to the following persons :

Loan Easy Finance Ltd

The Data Protection Manager

RM 1305 13/F Kowloon Building 555 Nathan Road KLN
TEL: 2770 0588

FAX: 2770 1790



  • 樂意財務有限公司
  • 資料保障經理
  • 電話:2770 0588
  • 傳真:2770 1790


  1. Loan Easy may have obtained a credit report on the customer from a credit reference agency in considering any application for credit and/or reviews or renewals of existing credit facilities to customers. The matters Loan Easy will be considering if accessing these consumer credit data for the purpose of reviews will be an increase in the credit amount, cancellation of credit, a decrease in the amount of credit or putting in place a scheme of arrangement with relevant customers. Loan Easy may also access such consumer credit data about customers for the purpose of reasonable monitoring of indebtedness whilst relevant customers are in default. If a customer wishes to access the credit report, please contact credit reference agency or TransUnion Limited directly at 2577 1816.



環聯資訊有限公司,電話2577 1816。


  1. This personal data collection statement shall not limit the rights of the customer under the Ordinance.



  1. In the event of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese version of this personal data collection statement, the English version shall be applied and implemented for all purposes.



Loan Easy Finance Ltd

