

Protect Your Online Security

There are various measures to protect your online activities and avoid losses for the least amount of effort. What you should always do as followings:




  1. Update your operating system and internet browser regularly

Some frequently used computer software will discover security holes from time to time. Once this situation is discovered, software publisher will release “patches” from time to time to plug these loopholes. To check for patches and updates you should visit the publisher's website, typically their 'Download' section. Ensure all your devices (including but not limited to a computer, mobile device or any other telecommunication equipment) collectively with all software and other hardware (collectively referred as “Devices”) are regularly updated with the latest software.

  1. 定期更新您的操作系統和互聯網瀏覽器

一些常用的電腦軟件不時都會發現有保安漏洞。如發現這種情況,軟件出版商便會推出「增修版程式」來堵塞這些漏洞。病毒作者和黑客經常透過這些漏洞來進入那些未有安裝增修版程式的電腦,盜取資料。要查閱安全套件更新及增修版程式,您可瀏覽軟件出版商的網站。這些程式通常放在「下載」部分。 請確保定期以最新的軟件更新您所有裝置(包括但不限於電腦、流動裝置或任何其他電訊設備)連同所有軟件及其他硬件(統稱「裝置」)。

  1. Install and update anti-virus software regularly

You may have installed anti-virus software, but to be effectively protect your device against viruses, you should be updated on a regular basis with the latest virus definition files.


  1. 安裝和定期更新防毒軟件


  1. Enable personal firewall

Secure your internet connection and device with a personal firewall. It ensures that the right data is delivered to the right places, and prevents unnecessary connections from accessing your data.

  1. 啓用個人防火牆


  1. Be alert to potential online fraud

Be aware that there are many fake websites that are specifically designed to deceive people and collect personal data from others, Sometimes, links to such websites are contained in email messages purporting to come from financial service providers. Never follow a link contained in an email – even if it appears to come from your financial service provider.

  1. 時刻警惕網上詐騙活動


  1. Secure your personal password information
    1. (a) Please keep your password in mind. Do not write or store the password on any online service device, or anything which is usually kept with these devices, and do not record the password in any form without covering it.


  1. (b)Do not use your date of birth, Hong Kong identity card /passport number, telephone number, lucky number, or other personal data, numbers, 000000 or 999999 that are easily guessed as a password, and avoid using the same password that you have used for accessing other web services
  2. (c)Do not disclose your password to anyone (including Loan Easy’s staff and the police).
  3. (d)Do not allow third parties to use your member login name and password.
  4. (e) Please change your password regularly through our Online System of this website or 24-hour Member Hotline.


  1. 保密個人密碼資料
    1. (a)請牢記您的密碼,切勿將密碼寫在或儲存於任何網上服務的裝置,或經常與此等裝置放在一起的物件上,切勿以任何形式記錄密碼而不加掩飾。
    2. (b) 請勿使用您的出生日期、香港身份證 / 護照號碼、電話號碼、幸運號碼或其他容易被猜中的個人資料、號碼、000000或999999作為密碼,並避免使用已於其他網站登記的密碼作為登入密碼。
    3. (c) 請勿向任何人(包括樂意財務職員及警方)透露您的密碼。
    4. (d) 請勿讓第三者使用您的會員登入名稱或密碼。
    5. (e) 請定期通過本網站網上系統或24小時會員熱線更改密碼。


  1. Be careful where you go online

Avoid entering any important passwords (or any other internet services that require passwords) at internet café, public libraries or other public systems to prevent risk of information being copied and abused after you leave

  1. 請謹慎選擇上網地點


  1. Always log out

Remember to log out from Online System and close your browser when you finished using Online System. This will clear all traces of your visit from the Device's memory.

  1. 登出


  1. Set password for device to protect against invasion

You should set a password for the device used to prevent other unauthorized access to your personal data.

  1. 為裝置設定密碼,保障免受侵襲


  1. Disable the browser’s 'Auto-Complete' function

The 'AutoComplete' function on your Device records the information that you have entered, e.g. addresses and passwords. You should disable the browser's 'AutoComplete' function.

  1. 取消瀏覽器的「自動完成」功能


  1. Take care offline

Remember that you can protect yourself even when you're not using your Device.

  1. 離線也可保護自己


  1. (a) Check your monthly statements
  2. (i)Review your monthly statements for any unusual transactions and notify the financial service providers immediately if you suspect any discrepancies.
    1. (ii)You can check your account transaction records through our Online system.
  3. (b)Keep us informed if any change of data
    1. (i)Tell us of any changes in your personal data (e.g. address change).


  1. (a)查核月結單
    1. (i)收到月結單後,應馬上仔細核查,留意是否有不尋常交易;若懷疑月結單有任何差異,應馬上通知相關之金融服務提供者。


  1. (b)如有任何資料更改,請通知我們
    1. (i)如果您的個人資料有任何更改(例如,地址有變動)應盡快通知我們。

How Loan Easy protects you online

Loan Easy Finance Limited ("Loan Easy") ensures your online transactions are safe and secure. As a financial service provider, Loan Easy is used to thinking about security. Loan Easy follows industry standard security technology and practices to safeguard your account from any unauthorized access.




Loan Easy takes security in the following ways:

  1. Use login user name and password to ensure that Loan Easy’s dealing with you

You must enter the correct user name and password to confirm your identity before access to your account through our online system.

  1. 樂意財務採用登入用戶名稱和密碼,確保是您本人使用服務


  1. Creating secure online sessions

When you log into Loan Easy’s Online system or fill in online application, you are said to be in a secure session. You know you are in a secure session if the URL address begins with https:// or a padlock symbol showing “Security Lock” appears at the top of the page as part of the address bar.

  1. 保密操作時段


  1. Using encryption technology

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology is used within your Online system session to encrypt your personal data before it leaves your Device so that no one else can read it. Depending on your browser setting, a window will appear to notify you that you will be entering a secured page. Loan Easy uses 128-bit SSL encryption, which is accepted as the industry standard. If your system does not support 128-bit SSL encryption, you may not be able to access Loan Easy’s Online system and other financial services.

  1. 加密技術


  1. Using "layers" of security

Loan Easy uses many layers of security. For obvious reasons, Loan Easy cannot disclose all of them, but Loan Easy always does the following:

  1. (a)Ensure that all of Loan Easy’s operating systems are updated promptly with the latest security patches.
  2. (b)Keep Loan Easy’s anti-virus software updated regularly.
  3. (c)Loan Easy uses firewalls to prevent unauthorized intrusion.


  1. 先進技術


  1. (a) 樂意財務的所有操作系統都已迅速地更新最新的保安增修版程式。
  2. (b) 樂意財務的防毒軟件不斷定期更新。
  3. (c) 樂意財務已採用防火牆以防止未經授權人士闖入系統。


  1. Using session time outs

If you forgot to logout after using online system or your device remains inactive for a period of time during a session or Loan Easy does not receive any message during a session, Loan Easy’s systems automatically log you off. Pages viewed during a secure session are not recorded in your Device's temporary files.


  1. 操作時段逾時


  1. Automatic suspension of service

After a number of incorrect attempts to log in, Loan Easy disables online or hotline access to your account. To re-activate your account, you need visit any one of our branches in person.


  1. 自動暫停提供服務





Loan Easy Finance Limited

(In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions, the English version will prevail.)

